Scoped Carbine Block II

2 Days (16 Hours)

600 Rounds (Match Ammo)



Description: Scoped Carbine – Block 2 picks up where Scoped Carbine ends. Increasingly complex target engagement sequences and parameters will be the norm as you and your equipment are pushed to the limit. Students will build positions, engage, and displace at speed as they move through all the problem sets that the facility has to offer.

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Prerequisite: Ridgeline Scoped Carbine (No exceptions)
This is a Skills Enhancement course. Ridgeline skills enhancement courses have been designed to place shooters in new positions, challenge durability of position and fundamentals, and improve speed and marksmanship. These courses provide less step-by-step instruction on basic skills with a higher emphasis on coaching to push boundaries and overcome obstacles so the student may achieve new levels of performance. This is not an entry level course. Safe handling skills, such as being able to safely load, unload and present a carbine are expected in this course. General safe firearms handling is expected of all students.

Next Course: Following graduation of this course students should consider Ridgeline’s other Skill Enhancement carbine courses of CQC Carbine and Recce Carbine.

Subjects Covered:

  • Zero confirmation
  • Data verification 100-600 yards
  • “Shooter solution” refinement
  • Target detection
  • Rapid Engagement Techniques
  • Barricade supported firing positions
  • Advanced support bag techniques
  • Moving targets
  • Complex target sets and engagement scenarios

Equipment List:


  • Eye Protection
  • Ear Protection


  • Special Purpose Rifle or Match Grade Carbine
  • (Capable of 2 MOA or Better / .223 Minimum Caliber)
  • Rifle Scope with External Elevation and Windage Adjustments
  • (8X Minimum / Mil Based Reticle Preferred)
  • (Recommend equipped with off-set RDS)
  • Bipod (Harris BRM-S 9″-13″ or Similar)
  • 2 Point Sling
      (Recommend Ridgeline Hog Leash Sling)
  • (4) Magazines
      (Recommend (1) 20 Round and (3) 30 Round)


  • Belt
  • Magazine Carriers
  • Small rear Bag
  • Barricade bag (recommend Shmedium Waxed Game Changer)
  • Laser Range Finder
  • Smart Phone or Ballistic Solver
  • Athletic/Outdoor Footwear
  • Weather Appropriate Clothing/Gloves (Cold/Rain/Mud)
  • Knee pads
  • Note Taking Material

The Following Items are ALLOWED and/or RECOMMENDED


  • Shooting Mat
  • Chest Rig for Additional Magazines
  • Gun Cleaning Kit
  • Gun/Optic Tools
  • Batteries for Scope/Off-set RDS
  • Batteries for Ear Pro
  • Anti-Fog for Eye Pro


  • Sun Block
  • Chapstick
  • Insect Repellent
  • Handwarmers
  • Cooler with drinks
  • Lunch/Snacks
  • Camp Chair/Stool

Our Reviews

Scoped Carbine Block II-2-21-26 Blakeley, GA at The Arena (12 in Stock)



Please Note February 21-22 is a Remote Class: This date will be held at Dilley, TX at The Ranch and pricing is $775, there is an additional $40 range fee that needs to be paid on site.

Ridgeline’s Scoped Carbine course has set the standard by which all others within the industry are judged. A cadre favorite to shoot and to teach, Scoped Carbine uniquely allows for a blend of basic rifle marksmanship, CQC -style shooting, individual movement techniques and Ridgeline’s “Gunfight Math” into a two-day course that leaves the student supremely confident in the abilities of themselves and their rifles.

All course purchases are final and subject to Ridgeline's Terms and Conditions that include a no cancellation/no transfer policy.

Scoped Carbine Block II-4-23-25 Dilley, TX at The Ranch (8 in Stock)



Please Note April 23-24 is a Remote Class: This date will be held at Dilley, TX at The Ranch and pricing is $775, there is an additional $40 range fee that needs to be paid on site.

Ridgeline’s Scoped Carbine course has set the standard by which all others within the industry are judged. A cadre favorite to shoot and to teach, Scoped Carbine uniquely allows for a blend of basic rifle marksmanship, CQC -style shooting, individual movement techniques and Ridgeline’s “Gunfight Math” into a two-day course that leaves the student supremely confident in the abilities of themselves and their rifles.

All course purchases are final and subject to Ridgeline's Terms and Conditions that include a no cancellation/no transfer policy.

Scoped Carbine Block II-6-28-25 (Out of Stock)



Scoped Carbine – Block 2 picks up where Scoped Carbine ends. Increasingly complex target engagement sequences and parameters will be the norm as you and your equipment are pushed to the limit. Students will build positions, engage, and displace at speed as they move through all the problem sets that the facility has to offer.

All course purchases are final and subject to Ridgeline's Terms and Conditions that include a no cancellation/no transfer policy.

Scoped Carbine Block II-8-30-25 (Out of Stock)



Scoped Carbine – Block 2 picks up where Scoped Carbine ends. Increasingly complex target engagement sequences and parameters will be the norm as you and your equipment are pushed to the limit. Students will build positions, engage, and displace at speed as they move through all the problem sets that the facility has to offer.

All course purchases are final and subject to Ridgeline's Terms and Conditions that include a no cancellation/no transfer policy.


The Ridgeline Training Center is a premier, purpose-built tactical training school. Located in Dalton, NH the school offers next generation courses and world class experiences for civilians, the corporate world, government agencies, law enforcement and military special operations groups. The Ridgeline team maintains a simple but important focus that THE INDIVIDUAL STUDENT AND THEIR GOALS ARE ALWAYS OUR HIGHEST PRIORITY.

Contact Info

227 Miller Road
Dalton, NH 03598

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Ridgeline Defense

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