5 Days (40 Hours)
1200 Rounds (Match Ammo)
“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment”
-Zig Ziglar
The harsh reality is that there is only so much we can fit into two days, and while we pack a ton into our Scoped Carbine curriculum it’s still only 16 hours long…. Welcome to the Full Spectrum SPR course.
This 5-day course is the “finishing school” designed for you to polish your skills and hone your capability with a Special Purpose or Designated Marksman Rifle. This course is for already capable carbine shooters who have attended Ridgeline’s Scoped Carbine course, Precision Fundamentals courses, or other known and vetted industry equivalents. Straight out of the gate we will confirm zero, confirm data, and then it’s GO TIME.
This course is structured similar to a pre deployment training package, giving students an immersive experience where they will begin to take true ownership of their skillset. Each day will have a specific training focus but will also offer lots of opportunities to work the same skills repeatedly, refining the process, decreasing time, and pushing students to their limits. The course work will be physically demanding as we work positions and run ‘n gun making full use of all our facility has to offer.
This course is the Scoped Carbine course we’ve always wanted to run and we are beyond excited to finally be able to.
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Prerequisite: This is a Skills Enhancement course. Ridgeline skills enhancement courses have been designed to place shooters in new positions, challenge durability of position and fundamentals, and improve speed and marksmanship. These courses provide less step by step instruction on basic skills with a higher emphasis on coaching to push boundaries and overcome obstacles so the student may achieve new levels of performance. This is not an entry level course. Safe handling skills, such as being able to safely load, unload, present a carbine and conduct transitions to pistol are expected in this course. General safe firearms handling is expected of all students. If you are not confident in meeting the prerequisite for this course check out our CQC Carbine (short range work and rifle/pistol transitions) and Scoped Carbine or Precision Rifle (understanding how to achieve hits at distance) courses to build the skills necessary to join this class.
Next Course: Following graduation of this course students should consider one of three options. Ridgeline offers courses in multiple platforms, private training, and additional options in our Special Events section.
Subjects Covered:
- Equipment selections
- Rifle setup
- Weapons handling and presentations
- Fundamentals of marksmanship
- “Shooter solution” development
- Reloads
- Bolt-lock
- Tactical
- Zeroing
- Multiple target engagements
- Shooting on the move and in depth, including turning
- Alternate shooting positions – Organic/non-organic, environmental considerations
- Data collection 100-600 yards
- Introduction to ballistic theory
- Introduction to wind reading
- Engaging moving targets
Equipment List:
- Eye Protection
- Ear Protection
- Special Purpose Rifle or Match Grade Carbine
(Capable of 2 MOA or Better / .223 Minimum Caliber) - Rifle Scope with External Elevation and Windage Adjustments
(8X Minimum / Mil Based Reticle Preferred)
(Recommend equipped with off-set RDS) - Bipod (Harris BRM-S 9-13″ or Similar)
- 2 Point Sling
(Recommend Ridgeline Hog Leash Sling) - (7) Magazines
(Recommend (1) 20 Round and (6) 30 Round)
- Magazine Carriers
- Barricade Bag (recommend Shmedium Waxed Game Changer)
- Laser Range Finder
- Smart Phone or Ballistic Solver
- Athletic/Outdoor Footwear
- Weather Appropriate Clothing/Gloves (Cold/Rain/Mud)
- Knee Pads
- Note Taking Material
The Following Items are ALLOWED and/or RECOMMENDED
- Shooting Mat
- Chest Rig for Additional Magazines (Strongly Recommended)
- Gun Cleaning Kit
- Gun/Optic Tools
- Batteries for Scope/Off-set RDS
- Batteries for Ear Pro
- Anti-Fog for Eye Pro
- Sun Block
- Chapstick
- Insect Repellent
- Handwarmers
- Cooler with drinks
- Lunch/Snacks
- Camp Chair/Stool