5 Days (60 hours)
1200 Rounds (Match Grade/Same Lot)
The Ridgeline Advanced Sniper Course is designed for the Law Enforcement Officer who has already graduated a LE Sniper Course and is looking to increase their performance during critical incidents. Our five-day, 60 hour course enhances the current skill set of the police sniper while introducing them to more advanced skills that round out their capability.
Graduates of this course will be able to make immediate incapacitation shots from 0-200 yards with a 99% hit probability (day or night, from any position, while wearing CBRN equipment).
Graduates of this course will be able to make non-instantaneous incapacitation shots from 0-600 yards with a 90% hit probability (day or night, from any position, while wearing CBRN equipment).

Students must be an ACTIVE Law Enforcement Officer, Military Personnel, or credentialed Government Contractor, and have successfully passed a 40hr (min) LE Sniper Course. Students should also be a graduate of a Basic SWAT course.
Subjects Covered:
- Advanced marksmanship package
- Surgical shooting
- Maintaining 1 MOA to distance
- Short range marksmanship (SRM)
- Multiple target rapid engagements
- Tripod supported engagements
- Moving target engagements
- Real-world FFP’s
- Aerial platform shooting
- CBRN qualification
- Employment of night optical devices
- Night marksmanship qualification
- Night movement, FFP exercise
- Non-Verbal communication
- Lessons learned, AAR’s and debriefs
- Ballistics lab
- Hard target w/.50
- Glass test/Demo
- Loophole techniques
- Urban high angle engagements
- Advanced skills familiarization (MOE – methods of entry)
- Surreptitious entry techniques
- Breaching familiarization
- Urban climbing
- Advanced sniper employment considerations
- Hard target interdiction
- Counter-Sniper operations
- Aerial platform pperations
- Hostage rescue
- Linear/Tubular
- Maritime operations
Equipment List:
- Precision Scoped Rifle capable of 1MOA or better (min Cal .223)
- Rifle Scope with external elevation and windage adjustments (10x min/mil-based illuminated reticle preferred)
- Polarizing Filter for Rifle Scope
- Clip-on Night Vision Device
- IR Laser/Illuminator
- Bipod (Harris BRM-S 9″-13″ or similar)
- 2 Point Sling – we recommend the Ridgeline HOG Leash Sling
- Headmounted Night Vision Device (i.e. PVS14, PVS31, etc.)
- Rear Bag
- Barricade Support Bag
- Tripod with Rifle Rest
- Laser Range Finder
- Rifle/Optic Tools
- Rifle Cleaning Gear
- Binoculars
- Smart Phone/Ballistic Solver
- Compact Ghillie Hood
- Eye Protection
- Ear Protection
- APR (Gas mask)
- Navigation Equipment: wrist compass, GPS, etc.
- Weather Appropriate Gear/Gloves (Cold/Rain/Mud)
- Camouflage Items
- Assault Pack for carrying all equipment
- Note Taking Material
The Previous Items are REQUIRED
Any other items such as, but not limited to; spotting scopes, shooting mats, Kestrels, etc are welcome.
- Knee Pads
- Chapstick
- Insect Repellent
- Handwarmers
- Cooler with drinks
- Lunch/Snacks
- Camp Chair/Stool